Friday, May 14, 2010

Freaky Friday~

Hello, how are you?
Have a good week?
Because I have definitely had better weeks, haha.

So tomorrow at 10am at Royal Oak will be a workout.
I'm excited considering I haven't worked out all week.
But I would have!
If it wasn't that time of the month and hadn't bruised my tailbone on Sunday.
Both combined have made me feel terribly sick allll weeek.
But yeah, workout tomorrow at 10am! (:

So last Friday I took pictures of the Parks family for Mother's Day.
It was sooo much fun and the pictures came out really cuuuute. :3

The rest are on my Flickr which you should definitely check out.
 I have all of these pictures, knitting pictures, and Veronica's pictures from last week.
I've been going a bit upload crazy, haha. (:

Last Saturday was the 95.5 KLOS event at spcaLA
No, we didn't get a cat (which I figured we wouldn't) but we did get the craziest dog everrrr.
His name is Ross (that's what he came with so stop giving me crap about it!) and he's a terrier mix.

So far he has taken two nasty diarrhea poops inside, peed twice, escaped 3 times, and chewed up all of the hoses.
And his favourite thing is to drag his little wiener all over the place and to whine all day.
Oh and whenever he's near carpet he goes balls crazy and starts thrashing around like he's never been happier in his whole life.
But he can be calm sometimes which is when I think he's okay, haha.

On Saturday night I got to finaaaallly see Max after he's been studying abroad in Italy for five months.
It was awesome. He was totally jet-lagged and fell asleep and me and Vance lol'd and left, haha.

And that night Betty White was on SNL!
And so was every woman who was ever on the show in the past 10 years and it made me so happy. (:

But some of the sketches with sexual innuendo just grossed me out.
Betty White, you're old!
Quit it.

This week I watched a couple o' movies~~~
This was my first time watching The House Bunny and it was sooooo much funnier then I thought it would be.
Anna Farris is just a hilarious woman in the first place, haha.

I thought this movie was hilariouuuuuuss.
There's this crazy German doctor and he kidnaps three tourists and he... Sews them together butthole to mouth. So when the front one eats he poops into the back ones mouth.
Seriously, it was the most ridiculous movie I have ever seen in my whole life.
And I laughed way harder than I should have considering it's a 'horror' movie.

This was pretty okay. Steve Buschemi just depresses me so hard.
He's ugly and awkward and lonely. And I'm pretty sure he's like that in real life, too, haha.
It's a whatever movie.

This is my new favourite website.

Well, that's all for this week.
I'm going to tidy up my room a bit and chillax.
I hope you have a good weekend. (:

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