Saturday, May 29, 2010

Freaky Friday~ (Saturday Edition)

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday I spent all day at UCLA taking pictures of my friend Micah and his friends for end-of-the-year memories.

And when I got home I fell asleep for two hours.
Traffic is really exhausting!

So right now I'm getting ready for all of my finals and stuff and it sucks.
My finals week starts June 7th and I just want it to be over with already.

I am so ready for the summer and to (hopefully) have a job, and sleep, and knit, and sew, and read, and do all the stuff I haven't had time for.

Here's a couple of things I can't wait to knit.

Still have to finish Roseanna's hat which will probably take me three days, I just don't have that time right now. ):

This awesome lace scarf which is gonna be super challenging but I'm excited.

The coolest baby booties I've ever seen~

And a super awesome berry baby hat.

And I wanna knit tons of other things, of course, but these are at the top of the list right now.

Oh and I'm going to be doing a major sewing project for the first time since...
I don't know. I guess Tyler's Christmas Quilt.

A Peter Pan costume!
Haha, it's gonna be super awesome~

This week I watched Rocky Horror Picture Show for the first time in... I don't know, three years?
I totally forgot how much I love this movie.
And watching it I just think about the cool costumes I wanna make.
I mean, come on, look at Brad's tux!
A plaid cummerbund and bowtie?!
So freaking awesome.

Last night I watched Donnie Darko for the first time in a long time, too.
I freaking love this movie. 
It's about wormholes and schizophrenia and Sparkle Motion and jet plane engines.
Oh and it stars Jake Gyllenhaal and it really doesn't get any better than that.
And it's awesome because Maggie Gyllenhaal is also in it and they play brother and sister, haha.

Well, that's all for this week.
Now I have to go get a bunch of stuff done and do some homework and blagh.
I hope you have a good weekend. (:

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Workout Blog #7

Man, I don't know about you but I have lost most of my motivation.
Probably because of upcoming finals and not instantly losing weight, haha.

Here's the standings~

And here are your tips~

* Yoga may be relaxing but you can also get a good workout. An hour of yoga can burn up to 350 calories.
* Take a photo of yourself each week so you can see your physical transformation.
* Don't be overly-restrictive. Everyone has his or her favorite treats. Simply allow yourself a little indulgence, but watch out for the frequency and the quantity.
* Never skip a meal, especially breakfast, and eat healthy snacks between meals. Eating frequently prevents hunger pangs and the binges that follow, provides consistent energy, and may be the single most effective way to maintain metabolism efficiency.
* Beware of "fat-free" or "zero trans fats" foods as you could be trading fats for huge amounts of sugar or sodium.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Freaky Friday~

Hey, what's up, duuuuuuuuuude?
Have a good week?
I didn't, I had to write essays and make a posterboard and had a math test and blagh.
School is the balls.
But I did come to the startling realization that my finals week is only two weeks away.
For some reason I thought it was more like four weeks, haha.
So I only have each of my classes three more times until I take their finals.
And it's only three because of Memorial Day, haha.
That's craaaaaaaazy.
But yeah, I am ready to be DONE, sheesh.
This semester has dragged on and on and on and on and on and I think you get the point, haha.

Omfg, when the semester is done I am going to do so much knitting!
The hat I started for Roseanna back at the end of April has had no progress on it.
And just fyi the yarn is much more green in real life, haha.

And I really want to finish these socks, I'm still on the first one.
Boy do I love these colours. (:

So yeah, I just want to get some freaking knitting done!

This week I watched Role Models for, I don't know, the millionth time?
Paul Rudd is so dreaaaammyy~~~ <33333
And everything about this movie is hilarious.
I laugh every time I watch it, the jokes never get old. Ever.

Saturday my family went to some event, I don't know so Max and Vance came over and we watched The Human Centipede, and it was just as funny the second time, haha.

Vance left and Max and I watched this video called "Incident at Lake County".
 It's Thanksgiving and this kid is filming his family hanging out and stuff and then the power goes out so the kid and his two older brothers go see what happened.
When they're trying to figure out what happened they see...
A UFO~~~
And some aliens killing a cow, but you can't really see it in the video because whenever aliens get near the camera it gets all scrambly and distorted.
Anyways the aliens see them shoot one of the brothers and they all run away crying.
They tell the rest of the family what happened but no one believes them.
The family is a bunch of jerkwads.
But then they see the video the kid was filming and start actually freaking out.

So a bunch of weird creepy stuff happens and then at the end they get abducted.
It's ridiculous but it freaks me out, haha.
Max was freaked out too, like a little baby, haha.

After that Max left and then I watched SNL with Alec Baldwin~
Seriously one of the sexiest men alive~

This sketch was soooooooooo hilarious.

And so were the rest of them, because that's Alec Baldwin: sexy and hilarious.
And also charming~

I downloaded so much  music this week~

The first two is the Killers and the Strokes and yeah they're really old but soooo goooood.
And yeah it took me this long to get Vampire Weekend and She & Him.
I was just lagging it, haha.

Well, that's all for this week.
Oh and tomorrow there will be a workout at 10am at Royal Oak, as usual.
Well I hope you have a good weekend and I'll see you next week. (:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Workout Blog #6

Hello, how are you?
Having a relaxing Sunday?
I will admit I didn't work out much this weekend but I have been really watching what I eat.

So here's the standings:

I think Max just drops out.
At least that's what I understood from his text telling me to shut up about it.

Alright, so here's some tip-a-rooooos.

  • Do your best to ensure you're not eating after 7 o'clock at night. You're more likely to make unhealthy choices and less likely to sleep as well after a late meal.
  • Fast food is salty food. If you cut back on the salt, in a few weeks you'll be able to better taste the natural salts in food and may not crave the junk as much as you used to.
  • Make it a point to use the steps whenever possible. Use the bathroom on a different floor at work, take the stairs at the bus station, the airport or the mall.
  • Keeping good posture will not only strengthen your core, but will also add a small extra-calorie burn, because you're working slightly harder to maintain the position. (I seriously need to work on this one. I have terrible posture.)
  • Eating water-rich foods such as melons, tomatoes and celery can help fill you up without adding too many calories to your day.

So just keep eating healthy and try to work out every day.
See you next week. (:

Friday, May 14, 2010

Freaky Friday~

Hello, how are you?
Have a good week?
Because I have definitely had better weeks, haha.

So tomorrow at 10am at Royal Oak will be a workout.
I'm excited considering I haven't worked out all week.
But I would have!
If it wasn't that time of the month and hadn't bruised my tailbone on Sunday.
Both combined have made me feel terribly sick allll weeek.
But yeah, workout tomorrow at 10am! (:

So last Friday I took pictures of the Parks family for Mother's Day.
It was sooo much fun and the pictures came out really cuuuute. :3

The rest are on my Flickr which you should definitely check out.
 I have all of these pictures, knitting pictures, and Veronica's pictures from last week.
I've been going a bit upload crazy, haha. (:

Last Saturday was the 95.5 KLOS event at spcaLA
No, we didn't get a cat (which I figured we wouldn't) but we did get the craziest dog everrrr.
His name is Ross (that's what he came with so stop giving me crap about it!) and he's a terrier mix.

So far he has taken two nasty diarrhea poops inside, peed twice, escaped 3 times, and chewed up all of the hoses.
And his favourite thing is to drag his little wiener all over the place and to whine all day.
Oh and whenever he's near carpet he goes balls crazy and starts thrashing around like he's never been happier in his whole life.
But he can be calm sometimes which is when I think he's okay, haha.

On Saturday night I got to finaaaallly see Max after he's been studying abroad in Italy for five months.
It was awesome. He was totally jet-lagged and fell asleep and me and Vance lol'd and left, haha.

And that night Betty White was on SNL!
And so was every woman who was ever on the show in the past 10 years and it made me so happy. (:

But some of the sketches with sexual innuendo just grossed me out.
Betty White, you're old!
Quit it.

This week I watched a couple o' movies~~~
This was my first time watching The House Bunny and it was sooooo much funnier then I thought it would be.
Anna Farris is just a hilarious woman in the first place, haha.

I thought this movie was hilariouuuuuuss.
There's this crazy German doctor and he kidnaps three tourists and he... Sews them together butthole to mouth. So when the front one eats he poops into the back ones mouth.
Seriously, it was the most ridiculous movie I have ever seen in my whole life.
And I laughed way harder than I should have considering it's a 'horror' movie.

This was pretty okay. Steve Buschemi just depresses me so hard.
He's ugly and awkward and lonely. And I'm pretty sure he's like that in real life, too, haha.
It's a whatever movie.

This is my new favourite website.

Well, that's all for this week.
I'm going to tidy up my room a bit and chillax.
I hope you have a good weekend. (:

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Workout Blog #5

Yeah, yeah. I'm suuuuper late, but I've been busy, okay?

Anyways, here are the standings.

Halfway through and it's going pretty well, I'd say. 

Alright, here are you tips~

  • Eat a fiber-filled apple before a meal to help you feel full faster.
  • Replace your regular pasta noodles with whole wheat pasta for a more filling meal.
  • Make your wardrobe match your goals. As you lose weight donate the clothes that no longer fit you as an incentive to stay on track.
  • If you find yourself at a weight loss plateau, up the duration of your exercise routine by five minutes.
  • Save 85 calories just by swapping mustard for mayonnaise in a sandwich.

That's all for now, just keep working out and focusing on your future self. (:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Freaky Friday~

Hello, how are you?
Did you have a good week?
I didn't do much, just school, the usual~

This weekend there will be no workout at all because on Saturday I'm going to Pet Adoption Day at spcaLA. (:
Here's the link if you're interested.

And on Sunday I seriously need to study for my Science exam on Monday and French test on Wednesday.

This week I watched a couple of moooives~

This movie is just sooooooooooo funny.
"That's just, like, your opinion, man."

I forgot how funny this movie was. I was laughing as soon as it started, haha.
And James Franco is mighty sexyyy~~~
 My English professor made us watch this for whatever reason and then made us take a quiz on it and discuss it in class, and I was just like, I've seen this movie more than everyone in this room combined, no big deal, foooools.
And yeah, I've seriously seen this movie 10-15 times because of Laurren's stuuuupid senior project for drama.
But I love this movie, it makes me so sad and think a lot.
It's just really confusing and everyone has no idea what's happening in it, haha.

This week I also, finally, finished the worst book everrrr. 
I had to read it for my English class and I haaated it. It's just like Catcher in the Rye but with a girl.
"Wah wah wah I'm toooooo smart it's hard, wahhhh."
Seriously, bit conceited Mr. Salinger? You really think you're that smart?
Geeze just shut up already!

Yesterday I took some pictures of Veronica and her siblings for Mother's Day.


Soooo adorable right?
And today I'm going to take pictures of Emily, her brother, and her dad. (:
I looove taking pictures of people.

I also took some pretty nice pictures of myself, I'd say. Haha.


Out of extreme boredom I made a video last night~

These are my favourite lyrics in any song ever.
They are just so *~*~*~*~deep~*~*~*~*


My French professor loves this video.
And made us sing a long to it, it was kind of weird, haha.
But I will say that it is the cutest thing ever.

 Well that's all for this week.
Now I have to go clean my room, take pictures of the Parks family, make flashcards for my Science exam, and be awesomeee.
Have a good weekend. (:

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Workout Blog #4

This week I didn't work out... At all.
Except today, I walked three miles. 
But I did watch what I ate a lot better than usual.

Oh and I was watching Dr. Oz he said that when you crave chocolate you should eat sunflower seeds.
I do not like sunflower seeds but maybe you can try it? Haha.

Here's the standings:

Everyone is doing pretty good.
I'm proud. (:

I figure if I can lose 5 pounds a month for 6 months then I will be at my perfect weight.
And that's not hard at all.
I just need to start working out more regularly.
This week I didn't have any motivation to work out at all.
But thinking about my future skinny self should be some good motivation, right? 

And here's your tips~
  • Take every opportunity to move around, even in small ways. Studies show fidgety people tend to be skinnier.
  • Distracted dining will get you in trouble. Avoid eating in front of a television or in a movie theater, as you're bound to consume more calories.
  • Pass on pop. You'll be amazed by how much weight you drop by simply switching to water.
  • When you eat calorie-friendly fruits and vegetables that are in season, they tend to taste better and you're more likely to enjoy them.
  • People who eat breakfast have a better shot at losing and maintaining weight loss.

Have a good week and stay motivated~ (: