I hope everyone here had a very happy Halloween.
I was lucky enough to spend mine in good old Clovis!
I headed up on Thursday after school.
I left around 3pm, I believe.
When I got there Tyler and I hungout, of course. Haha.
We mostly just laid around and ate and watched TV.
We were watching Goosebumps and the girl said "out" more like "oot" and I was like, "Hey, is this filmed in Canada?"
The actors looked Canadian as well, I know after watching Degrassi for all these years, so I made Tyler look it up and it is!
Goosebumps is filmed in Canada.
I was pretty proud of myself but Tyler didn't really care! >:/
On Friday, Tyler had schooool.
While he was at school I wrote my Friday blog, CLEANED HIS WHOLE ROOM WHICH GOT RUINED IN AN HOUR, and took a shower and stuffff.
When he got home we watched these two Degrassi Halloween specials we've never heard about:
Yes, both were classics.
Especially in the Curse of Degrassi when Rick said, "I believe he's at a dis-Sav-antage."
And in Degrassi of the Dead when Peter said, "Act like a zombiiie, they won't huuuurt you."
So good.
For lunch, Tyler's dad made us grilled cheese and tomato soup and it was sooo good.
We also had peanut butter cookies.
After that we picked up Micah and went on the search for our Halloween costumes!
First stop was Wal Mart.
I got an orange sweater and Tyler didn't get anything. ):
Next was Goodwill.
Tyler's Cinema teacher was there and he stalked her like some sort of prey, said hello awkwardly and refused to look for his own costume.
I found my red skirt and glasses.
Thirdly, we went to the Halloween store because Micah wanted to.
Micah said he never said he wanted to go there.
We went any ways.
As we were going in I said, "Hey, what if they have a Shaggy costume?"

And they did. And it was the highlight of my day.
He didn't get it, though, because it was $30 and also it came with a wig and that was unnecessary.
Another awesome thing I found was this wig.
It's not a Borat wig, it's a Eurasian Traveler wig.
After that we went to Target.
We found a green shirt that was only $5 so that ruled.
Tyler got some brown pants that were $25 but it was okay because these he can wear all the time unlike costume pants.
And trust me, he looks good in them. (:
I found some orange socks, they weren't exact but they worked.
Afterwards we went to Professor Toy and played with fun educational toys!
Then we went to Pet Extreme and I got to play with bunnies~~
I want another bunny so bad.
They had Holland Lops and it just depressed me.
And there was a little grey one and he was my favouriiiite.
Actually, the one in the exact middle is the one I was talking about!
After that we took Micah home and went back to Tylers.
We relaxed for a little bit and then got our costumes on!
I was, of course, Velma.
And Tyler was Shaggy.
So, since this was Friday, I was going to get better pictures on Saturday but then plans changed and these are the only pictures I have so you gotta deal with it.
So we left and went to this carnival at Northside, the church Tyler's dad works at.
At first, we couldn't figure out to get in but when we did, it was sweeet.
There was rides and stuff but all we cared about was free candy.
There was a little section for trunk or treat and we waited in line for that.
We saw sooooooo many cute little kid costumes.
Like Mario and Luigi with plungers.
And a whole family that was the Wizard of Oz.
And a little Indiana Jones.
Just yeah, it was cute. Haha.
So yeah, we got some candy and didn't care about anything else so we went to Zack's.
Zack, Josh, and Jerad were there.
Zack was playing Heroes of Newerth and it was boring.
And we just hungout there for awhile.
Nathan came over because him and Zack were gonna go to a party.
And then Zack's parents came in and were hanging out with us and it was pretty funny.
Zack's costume was originally going to be a fat guy so he asked his dad to borrow a shirt and his dad was like, "Oh thanks for calling me fat."
And it was funny.
But since I'm the only logical one I told Zack how annoyed he would be when he would have to carry pillows around.
He eventually was a Mormon. Hahhaa.
And Nathan was a gorilla but I don't have a picture.
When they were ready we all left.
Tyler and I almost went to the party but then we found out it was outside on a balcony or something and we were like, "Wtf it's below 50 degrees!"
So we just went back to Tyler's but I mean, I didn't really mind, and I don't think he did either. Haha.
We just hung out and watched TV and I fell asleep way early.
Saturday, actual Halloween! Haha.
We got up, watched some TV and then got ready.
And oh, let me tell you, Tyler looks good in brown pants.
We went to the Olive Garden and it was super good.
But there wasn't that many breadsticks because some lady ordered 6 dozen didn't pick them up, came in an hour later and ordered another 6 dozen breadsticks.
And the first order went to waste.
Like, wow. That is seriously rude.
No one has manners any more.
But whatever, our waiter was cool and got us a bunch. (:
After that we went back to Tyler's and hung out until it was dark.
We passed out candy and watched TV.
Tyler's mom was making a peanut butter pie and saved all the good candy so we didn't really need to go trick or treating.
When we ran out of candy we turned out all the lights and watched Australia.
But wow that movie is hard to understand.
So we just ended up playing Mexican Train with Tyler's parents.
And I won! I've never won!
It was awesome but Tyler almost killed himself.
Then we went to Tyler's room and watched TV.
Tyler's STUUUPID friend Lopez came over and had cupcakes and wouldn't leave.
But it's okay because he got me, like, 2,000 Neopoints. Haha.
He finaaaaaaally left so we could sleeeeeeeeeep.
The next day we had Sunday dinner/lunch with Tyler's parents and grandma and we had some peanut butter pie and it was sooooooo goood omg i want some right nowowoowowww.
And then I had to leaaave and it sucked. ):
So yeah, and then I got home at, like, 7?
Whatever. And it suckkkked.
And yeah.
It was an overall good weekend.
How was your Halloween?
ReplyDeleteyou guys had the cutest costumes ever.
You and Tyler make the best Velma and Shaggy.
Adorable :)
Haha, why thank youuu. (: