Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy (early) Birthday~!

On Friday I had my 18th birthday. I haven't been able to upload anything yet because my car died in Clovis and it took awhile to get everything back in order.

So, the guest list included Tyler, Emily, Michelle, Vance, Max, Veronica, Jessica, Chris, Jason, Roseanna, Luna Lovegood, and Greg stopped by for a bit.

Well, I started off very angry because while I was in the shower Vance came and kidnapped Tyler and Michelle for a good hour. Well, I'm sure they were willing to go with him but whatever.

And then Jessica, Veronica, Emily, and Max came kinda early and helped me set up.

There was a ton of food and lots of fun. Haha. We played HORSE, Brawl, and Degrassi Goes Hollywood!

Okay, what I care about: the presents~! Haha.

First off, Tyler got me a Steam account and a bunch of sweet indie games. They are a lot of fun.

Michelle got me some books I've been dying for.

I can't wait to start reading Pygmy! And A to Z Knitting is a very helpful book.

Luna Lovegood got me $40 and a couple of these.
(Which have definitely already been eaten).

Vance got me five eight-piece packages of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and two Hershey's Cookies and Cream, and a package of fun size Milky Ways. Oh and these.

I am also excited to read these.

Roseanna gave me a ton of fabric and buttons. It was probs one of the best gifts. No offense any one. Haha.

My favourite fabric is definitely that middle one. I love space shiiiiiiiiiips. (:

Oh and from Emily and Veronica was this beautiful necklace. I love it.
I love scissors and I have been wanting this necklace for forever.

And then my sister made me a four tier strawberry cake. Sooo goood.
Overall it was an awesome birthday and I realized how much I love my friends.
I am excited to be 18 and start my life.

This has been an awesome summer.

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