Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Guess who's back? Back again

It might be me!
I'm not sure yet, haha.
I miss blogging, I really do.
And I still have the link to my blog in my hotbar so I see it every day and think, "Hm, I wonder if I should start blogging again?"

So I'm going to try.
I'm not going to make any promises.
But I'm going to try and blog at least once a week.
Hopefully I'll get into the groove of it and maybe blog every day.
(Maybe. I have a pretty boring life. Haha.)

Right now is my finals week.
Tuesday 12/7 I had my Nutrition final at 7:30am and my Design final at 4:30pm.
My Nutrition grade is already up and I got an 85% on the final and 84% in the class. Go me!
I think I got an A on my Design final but I'm not sure yet. And I have to go again on Thursday to finish a project and we're going to have a critique.

Tomorrow 12/9 I have my French II final at 7:30am, History final at 1:30pm, and last Design class at 4:30pm.
And then I am done!
Done until February 28th~

So next year, I am going to try and get the camera of my dreams.

I just need to save up ~$2,500.

So starting next year, hopefully on January 1st, I am going to sew and knit and draw and screenprint and finally open an Etsy shop, like I’ve been saying I want to do for years. 
I am also going to do photoshoots and clean rooms/cars for money. 
I’m going to save every last penny I make, or find on the floor. 
I am going to sell everything I own that I don’t use or need.
I am also going to try and get a real job while doing all of this.
To get enough money for a new camera and lens by the end of the year (December 31st) I need to:
Make $210 a month
Make $50 a week
Make $7 a day

Seems pretty easy. 
But it's probably going to be a lot of work.
And hopefully with me blogging more I might get more followers and readers and I might put a donate button up so people can help me out.
I feel weird asking strangers for money but I neeeeed this camera, omgggg.

Also, I know I never finished updating on my September Challenge so sometime this weekend I'm going to do a photodump of everything I've done while I've been gone.

I really should be studying so I'm going to go.
Just wanted to put something up to let you all know that I'm back~

See you soon! (: