Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's Christmas Eve!

And I know I'm not alone when I saw that it does NOT feel like Christmas.

But whatevs.
I'm getting pretty excited to open presents tomorrow.
And again on the 26th with Tyler's family.

I have most of my presents done.
I got stuff for my mom, dad, sister, grandma, Luna Lovegood, Michelle, Baby Bear, Tyler's mom and dad and sister.
And I'm pretty content with my purchases.

I also really liked the way I wrapped everything. Haha.

Eets like peppermints~~~

Tyler's quilt took forever but it's finally done.
And he's already seen it so, here you gooooo.
Hell yeah it's as big as my bed.
Also, bet you can't guess his favoruite colour.

I still have to finish his Steve Zissou hat and something for Luna Lovegood.

I really shouldn't have procrastinated but it's too late now!

I hope you have a peaceful Christmas Eve.
I'm going to be knitting aaallll niiiight. (:

Friday, December 18, 2009

Freaky Friday~~

Yeah, I'm super late but. Eh.

Last Friday Tyler's sister Makkael called me up and asked if I wanted to go to Fresno with her so I was like, hell yeah duh.
We ended up leaving at midnight and got to Fresno at 4am. So balls.
And yes, as soon as we got there we went to sleep.

The next day Tyler's parents were very happy to see Makkael and I.
We spent the weekend chilling and shopping.
Makkael left at 7am on Sunday but I stayed since Tyler was going to come down on Wednesday anyways.
It was awes.

So yeah, we've been here since Wednesday just chilling.

So yes, Freaky Friday will be a little lacking this week but. Eh.

1. Being John Malkovich
I saw this movie at Nathan's house this week and oh man.
Soooo goood.
It has to be the best movie EVER.
Like, the basic premise is insane.
It's really just something that must be seen to believe.
I don't want to say something and ruin it for you because you just have to see it, okay? Okay.

2. Chocolate oranges
Favourite candy ever.
And then they stopped making them a few years.
I couldn't find them any where.
And then Jessica was like, oh hey they have them at Wal Mart.
And they soooooo diiiiiiiiid and oooooooooooh maaaaaaaaaan I wish I was eating one riiiiiiiight nooooooooow.

3. The Aquabats
Yummy ska.
I don't usually listen to ska but this week I've just been in Aquabats mode.
They are so good and they're lyrics are always super funny.
For example:

And yeah, that's all for this week.
Sorry dogs.

And sorry it's so late.

Have a good weekend and hopefully I'll see you before Christmas. (;

Friday, December 11, 2009

Freaky Friday

I've had a long week and I am sooo glad it's over.
Also, I just sold my guitar and I now have $130 in the bank. (:
I should be cleaning Laurren's room for $10 today and then I should be set for Christmas presents...
I will totally clean your room and/or closet for $10.
I just need to clean one or two rooms and then I won't have anything to worry about.
So yeah.

Anyways, here goes Freaky Friday tiiiime~~

1. David Bowie
David Bowie is always gonna be my number one favourite singer but this week I have been listening to all of his CDs like crazy.
I just love him.
Like. I would die for him.
But I just want to meet him and be best friends and hang out and talk about John Lennon and eat British food and wear jumpsuits and play with cats and sing and fuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
I love him.

2. Gameboy Games

I don't know why I just really wanna play Gameboy games.
I used to have a Gameboy but I have no idea what happened to it.
I just want to play old games so bad.

3. Random Food Cravings

I have wanted all of these foods really badly.
Sometimes two of them at the same time. Like eggs and sushi.
I just want foooooooooooood.
Tons of it.
All of my favourite foods in a smorgasbord in my house and I could just eat as much as I wanted~~

4. Tea
I love tea but this week I was stressed out about finals so I have drunken, like, 10 cups this week.
It's just so tasty and it warms my insides and mmmmmmmmm.
I love it. (:

5. Harry Potter movies

Okay, I loooooooove the Harry Potter books and have totally hated the movies.
Because, well, they weren't exactly correct, duh.
So I totally hated them and I've seen like the first one and that's it. Maybe half of the fifth one, Idk.
But yeah, haaaaaaaaate.
And then this week I was hanging out with Luna Lovegoooooood and she just bought Half Blood Prince so I figured I'd give it a chance because Tyler and Max said they loooooooooved it.
And wow. I was super pleasantly surprised.
There were a lot of parts that were word-for-word.
So... I like the Harry Potter movies now.
Never thought I would say that ever.

And then Luna said I'd probably like the third movie because she loved it so I was like... Okay.
And yesterday I watched it while I was knitting and double wow.
Pleasantly surprised again.
Like the third book is my faaaaaavourite one so I didn't want to ruin it with a bad movie but wow.
It was super good. And had everything.
And a lot of parts were word-for-word.
So it was awes.

Alright. That's been my week.
I hope everyone has a good weekend. (:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm done!

This ridiculously long week is dooone.
I am so excited.

Here, I'll prove to you that I'm super excited.

This is when I realized I can eat the Hershey's I've been saving to motivate myself to get through the week.

And this is me when Luna Lovegood gave me my favourite food ever yesterday (but today).
And I'mm eat these too.
They also match my sweatshirt.

I'm done.
I'm so happpyyyy.
I wasn't, like, super excited until yesterday when I was hanging out with Luna and I was talking about how I only had two things left.
And now, I'm just super happy.

I don't start school again until February 22nd.
So ridiculous, right?
I am super excited.
In that time I want to:

* knit a ton of stuff
* sew wallets
* sew pajama shorts (with the awesome fabric Roseanna gave me)
* work at the Covina Playhouse? (it's not for sure but I need money~~)
* clean my closet out once and for all
* be awesome, duh

And I don't know, what ever else comes up.
I'm so excited.
College has drained the life out of me.
I don't want to get up in the morning and I don't care about anything.
I hate it.
I am ready to get my mojo back.

So yeah, here is a blog as I have been lacking and don't worry, Freak Friday is on for tomorrow.

Last thing, still trying to sell my guitar!
Please tell your friends.

And I need money pretty fast so let me clean your room or organize your closet.
I'm fast, cheap, and efficient.
Please think about it.

Alright, have a good day.
I think I'm going to try and take a nap.
Bye~ (:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I have no motivation

Today I need to at least have all of the pictures for my Fashion final found and cited and have all of my notecards done and finish my Math pre-final on

I just don't want tooo.
Yesterday, I woke up early to fix my sleeping schedule but then I couldn't fall asleep until 1am last night.
Like, wtf? That doesn't even make sense.
So today I woke up at 11:30am and am kind of screwed.
I have zero motivation and I feel kind of sick.

Everything except for homework and studying and projects is so very appealing right now.
I want sushi, cupcakes, cats, to knit, to draw, to sleep, anything. Anything but this.

So thanks high school for making me think college was going to be this easy.
Max 1 hour for all six of my classes every day for studying and homework (but more like 20 minutes) and in college you're expected to devote 3 hours outside of class for every 1 hour you are inside class.
That is insane.
Like. Holy crap.
So I need some motivation ASAP!

So wah wah wah this is me complaining. Hahaha.

But look at what I did accomplish:
My New Year Resolutions for 2010
  • buy 0 books
    • does not include craft books or textbooks, only novels and such
  • read 1/2 of unread books I own
  • knit at least 50 projects
  • learn to screen print
  • learn to crochet
  • get ears pierced
  • get in shape
    • not about pounds but being happy
  • get a job
  • get rid of 25% of possessions
  • build a respectable wardrobe
    • so I can stop looking in my closet and seeing nothing

I'm trying to keep them easy and something I'd actually do this year.
So yeah.
Oh, and I've also cleaned my room pretty well, too.
I'm thinking about starting a load of laundry.
Hahaha. I just hate homework so much.

So yeah, here's some sort of blog for the past couple of lazy ones.

Friday, December 4, 2009

No Freaky Friday~~

I am working on finals, duh.

Hahaha. Tyler is so mad right now.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I am so excited!

My finals start next Monday.
Here's my schedule for next week:

Monday 12/7
10:30am-1:00pm - Math Final

Tuesday 12/8
10:30am-1:00pm - Drawing Final Part 1

Wednesday 12/9
8:30am - Fashion Final
(Project is due and test)

Thursday 12/10
7:30am - English Final
(I just have to come and turn in my essay and I can leave~)
10:30am-1:00pm - Drawing Final Part 2

I guess it's not that bad but still. I don't wanna!
But wow, I'm almost done with my first semester of college!

And I'm glad I'm finishing so early because then I'm going to have a ton of time for Christmas presents.
I have to knit 3 scarves (one is already started) and one hat.
I'm buying most of my presents this year because, well, it's easier, and also next year I'm going to finally be knitting all of the things I've been dreaming about!
And I'll probs just give them all away because I don't really like scarves or shawls or mittens or anything.
So yeah, if we're close, expect a random present next year. (:

I'm still trying to make money to buy presents so please spread the word about me selling my guitar.
I'm asking for $160 or best offer.
Here is the Craigslist post.

Please please please look at it and tell everyone you know.
I don't think I'll get even close to what I need from a pawn shop but I'm probably going to have to end up doing that. :/

So yeah, I'm really excited for December 10th 1pm.

Have a good week, I'll see you Friday. (;