So, I've been trying to think of a blog topic that I can have every week and it'd be every Friday because I don't have school and yeahhh.
So let me just explain that I have an addictive personality.
I find something I like, I will be obsessed with it for a week or two and then not really think about it later.
So this blog is going to be about what I am obsessed with as of late.
Also, sorry for the lame title, I wanted alliteration and... yeah.
If you come up with something better, please tell me.
1. In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel
The whole CD, not just that song.
This week I've listened to this CD nonstop, it's just so good.
Also, does anyone know what movie the song "King of Carrot Flowers Pts. Two & Three" is from?
I know I've heard it before but I can't figure it out!
2. "Two Weeks" by Grizzly Bear.
I posted the video a couple posts ago and it was too big so here's a picture.
I listen to this song at least 3 times a day. It's just soo0o0o0o0ooo0o00oo good.
3. Jackalopes.
I actually really loved Jackalopes when I was a kid but then I saw one on Etsy and I remembered how awesome they are.
They're rabbits, with antlers!
4. Totoro Mittens
Especially these ones. They are sooo cute.
But I don't know how to color strand yet.
But I will learn just so I can make these!
I saved the best for last...
5. Fujifilm Instax Mini 7S Instant Film Camera
Since they've stopped making Polaroid film, Fujifilm jumped on that market of instant pictures.
The pictures are credit card sized and of better quality, in my opinion.
And it's sooo cute. I want the white one.
Well that's what I am currently obsessed with.
But I can already feel it fading and soon I'll be in love with something else~~
I'll close with this adorable video that Roseanna sent me this week. :3
(Oh, and btw for some reason the ads on the right aren't working but there are still ads between posts so just click it once or twice and they'll be gone this time next week!)